Cultural and Social Understanding Alongside Japanese Language Learning

In recent times, there has been an increase in tools, apps, and online courses for learning Japanese. However, simply becoming proficient in Japanese is insufficient for truly living in Japanese society.
Language is deeply rooted in the culture, history, and societal norms of a country, as evidenced even in simple aspects like greetings and responses.
In our studio, we not only facilitate the learning of the Japanese language but also encourage learners to explore the underlying principles and culture, comparing them with their own cultural background.


Interactive Support Tailored to Each Learner's Goals

The motivations for individuals learning Japanese vary widely. Not everyone necessarily needs to memorize difficult kanji or vocabulary, grasp complex grammar and expressions, or achieve fluent and seamless conversation.
Furthermore, language learning is a long-term marathon. Whether you want to converse with various people in Japan, attend a good school, pursue a rewarding career, or understand Japanese culture, we will provide the necessary support tailored to your needs at each stage of your life, through consultation with you, the learners.

学習者の方々が日本語を学ぼうとする動機は、それぞれ異なります。 必ずしも全員が、難しい漢字や語彙、複雑な文法や表現を覚えたり、流暢でよどみのない会話ができるようになる必要はありません。

Chiba and Online Community-based Japanese Language Studio

In Japan, most information is only available in Japanese. At our studio, we curate practical living and administrative information, with a focus on Chiba-related content, and share it on Facebook to assist those living in Japan.
We also actively share ideas and information for leading an active life in Japan, including useful learning websites, translation and interpretation tools, and more.
While our studio primarily operates in Chiba, we are able to accommodate learners from anywhere in Japan to around the world through online services.


Qualified Instructors
with Rich Social Experience

Our instructors have rich social experience spanning from parenting to business, and they also hold qualifications in Japanese language education, providing you with peace of mind.


Multilingual Support

We primarily provide services in English and Japanese, as bilingualism is our standard. Additionally, we will do our best to accommodate other languages by utilizing translation and interpretation tools according to your preferences.


To whom it may concern at companies hiring foreigners1

We also offer Japanese language lessons and life support services for foreign employees and their families.


  1. According to the 'Act on Promotion of Japanese Language Education (enforced on June 28, 2019)', employers who hire foreigners are obligated to endeavor to provide opportunities for Japanese language learning and other forms of support for Japanese language education to the employed foreigners and their families. ↩︎
  2. 「日本語教育の推進に関する法律(令和元年6月28日施行)」により、外国人等を雇用する事業主は、その雇用する外国人等及びその家族に対し、日本語学習の機会の提供その他の日本語学習に対する支援に努める責務があります。 ↩︎